I finally got in Belgrade after a long time..First time I went there, was in year of 1997 before NATO aggression and after that just have passed by in year of 2000.. It is a city not near to any of Montenegrin cities
not just by judging the traffic that is enormously fearing, but by its greatness, captivity, people, and stores.. opportunities..
The fair was really near my hotel but going by car - otherwise I would be lost :) all those highways and everything messed me up that much that after the third day of going the same circle I wasn't sure that I could dare to drive there.. madness.. :)

The fair brought me contacts of different kinds and people are opened even after all that have happened between our two people (I mean two people by the calling - Montenegrin and Serbian) - after all we are one soul..

There is enough one sparkle to get out for us to feel united.. So, I was able after the fair day to go and visit Knez Mihajlova Street, the big bookstore called Mamut that I adore, Terranova stores where I've got my cap and gloves - green market Zelenjak, etc.
I passed by two crashed buildings that are standing near Government building that are standing still there in the middle of the night remembering people of that sad time that have happened not a long time ago..

By the one word - I could never live there.. and once I was able to see the idea of making the Belgrade one of the next Vice City episodes because of the crowd and vividness of traffic hidden corridors of streets and down low pedestrian passages..
A big experience, opens mind of an small-city-citizen that life is so short..

And than the beautiful shots of snow that I rarely see, big crossroads and metro pole, are not more and not less important than the pictures of nature..